DDA Land Pooling Policy: Recent Update

The land pooling policy, which is set to expand the urban limits of Delhi, was notified by the ministry of urban development (MoUD) in September 2013 while the regulations for ope rationalization of the policy were approved in May 2015 by the ministry and the land was converted from agriculture to urban in May 2016.

And all the above DDA Vice Chairman recently told the reporters that Land Pooling Policy will be in place by April end.

According to new Policy followings are few modifications in totality:

1. Norms for kilometer area (Location of land) has been removed from policy.
2. A Minimum of 5 acres of land is required for participation in this policy.
3. 70% of Developable land must be contiguous.
4. The pooled land must be bounded on at least one side by 30 m wide road. 
5. Any un-pooled land will impose a cost on public infrastructure.
6. A single window clearance of all approvals will be in place for transparency.
7. Maintaining all the standards as per Real Estate Regulatory Authority (RERA).
8. Provision for EWS Housing and the same will be sold through DDA as well.

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