MBA Marketing or Finance: There Should be Logic

As most of my readers belong from Management background they are either Management student or Management professional. The focus of this post is towards the student who is pursuing this course or planning to pursue. So, I would like to write something about a particular course which is called MBA (Master of Business administration). The reason for writing this post is I want that people should know logic, value and success rate of this course in our India. All the data or facts in this post would be from my past experience which is through reading various management magazine, blogs, newspaper, books, participation in various national and international conference and discussion with corporate professional.

MBA ( Master of Business Administration)

First of all the candidate should understand meaning of MBA which is clear that Master of Business administration. It means that after completing this course you will become master in business scenario but most of the professional are not able to understand this properly. As far as data is concern through qualitative marketing research says that most of the students are pursuing this course for JOB only. If the data is correct than you are in trouble. I want to make it clear that if you are pursuing this course for JOB and Handsome Salary than you should be from Top 50 college in India otherwise you will fall under general category. If you are doing this course to be an entrepreneur than this is right track. Here I am not saying that if you will do this course from any other institute it means your will not get a job but it is true that you will not get desirable JOB. The reason is in our India there are around 1500 Management institute and they are producing 100000 students per year as an MBA but we do not have that much of Job in market to equalize the data.
Now question here arises is what should we take Marketing and Finance?

It depends upon various factor that is your Interest, Comfortability and Academic background. As far as data is concern which indicates that it does not matter which subject would be your specialization but it should fit according to above mentioned trio factor. As far as marketing is concern I would say if you are going to take Marketing than you should be able to sale product in other word be strong to get in to sales field. Please keep in mind that marketing does not mean just getting job and started crafting strategy is company. Marketing means you are versatile and you can do any types of assignment even it does not relate to your area. If your are looking to be specialist in a specific area than you have to be more choosy. It is true that there are lots of Job in market for marketing professional even in recession. Than you should must understand that the Job which you will do can be done by a simple graduate also if he has some sort of experience. so, be clear before you go ahead with your decision. If you are going to be an entrepreneur than there is no doubt that you should take marketing.

As far as Finance is concern I think the area is very bright. One thing which is interesting about finance is that the Job which you will do can't be done by another simple professional until they has high amount of experience. There is one more thing that is after completing this course you will become master in your specific area. One thing I must share that student should not get scared by data which indicates that there is no Job in market for Finance professional. It is true that there are less Job in the market compare to Marketing. The reason being marketing professional can do sales, advertisement, recruitment and many more but finance people can't. In the said statement there are two meaning if marketing people can do any job it means they don't have specific mission whereas other meaning says Finance professional will get Job with struggle but they will make their career bright from the day one.There are Jobs for finance in market but you have to be strong in your area.
With this word I would like to conclude saying that Please take suggestion from Corporate professional about market scenario before you pursue this course and choose your specialization.

Good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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