Why Selling is Complex

Whenever any person(job seekers) heard "Sales" they got afraid. Consider these point and remove fear of sales. The very first question here arises is why selling is complex now a days. In early days employees, students, companies does not had any fear about sales due to less competition. However In this age really selling is very complex task. People can say that sales is easy when they enter into market after that you can ask him/her. As far as my experience is concern I would say you can sell very easily but there should be some specific condition strategy. Somewhere companies are also responsible for that but except few companies they put totally pressure on sales people and sales management. If you see the data there is high attrition rate in BPO and other sales category companies. Recently I was reading a article on sales from company point of view and customer point of views. According to sources there should be some condition for company to make sales super flow. Companies/salespeople should consider these points-

1. Lack of proper training- These days what happens company only says yes, we have training and development program but when it comes in picture nothing is specific. Even some sales people does not have full knowledge of products or services which they are selling. In case many people have notice that when you got call from call center the person who is calling they will start selling to you without knowing about you are and your needs. Ultimately his/her goal is selling to you either customer go to hell or any where. So, I would say company should understand these problem and make strategy according to that.
2. Understand customer need/problems- Second problem arises here is every marketing books, journals, blogs, articles, newspapers and experts say please understand customer need/ problem only than try to provide solutions. Here also company and sales people do mistakes. Again I am giving you a example In case you have noticed in retail outlets. As soon as you will enter into store salespeople starts selling to you. They does not what you want and what is your need.
3. Knowledge- When we talk about knowledge in sales being a sales company or salespeople you should have knowledge of you customer, company, market and your competitor. Knowledge does not mean that knowing name and addresses, knowledge means choices and behavior of customers. Next moves of competitors and trends of market. So, If you know all these things you can sales anything, anytime at any cost.
There are may point to be consider but If being a company or a salesperson you will have to know above points then I am sure success will be in your hand. So, I am giving some point in the form of suggestions for both to consider and be successful in market and career.

1. Everyone is not your customer- Don't start selling products or services to everyone. This is the lesson I learnt from my previous boss. When he was giving me some sort of knowledge about how to sell they told that don't understand that everyone is your customer. People might come retail store for getting knowledge and ideas It doesn't mean that you have to sell product to that person also.
3. Sell your Idea not product- This is very Important point that marketers and experts says that don't sell your product sell your Idea. Reason is people can purchase Insurance from office why they will purchase from a Tele sales officer. Customer need your help, support and familiarity. So, give him feeling that yes, you are the right person whom I was looking for to buy product.
3. Be Skillful- When It comes to sales, selling need your skills not anything else. So, being a company motivate your sales people instead of pressure. Give him confidence that yes you can sell product instead of daunting. Identify right people and retain them.
More or less I am sure If any company/salespeople will consider these point carefully they won't have any problem in future. It does not mean that company don't know all these but they need to work on the part of implementation. I have seen during our project each and every company have great strategy but when it comes to implementation they could not consider.


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