Company store Vs Independent store: Crash or Coexistence

As name suggests that company owned store means stores owned by company or manufacturer and Independent store means any store where companies are putting their products for sell. The point here is mostly companies are operating in these two dimensions. You have lots of example of these case like Nike, Apple, Reebok, Puma and recently launched Microsoft. These companies are selling their through company owned store and Independent store but this is not enough even in the same mall these two operators are running their businesses. You can see the competition within himself. However the question here arises is Does is matter of crash or coexistence????????????
Answer is in both the way they are doing best from company point of view and customer point of view apart from some assumptions. Recently world leading Microsoft has opened its own store to compete with innovative Apple.According to research done by faculty of kw they say that both are doing great in their own ways but there are some possibility of crash if they aren't careful.
Business model of company store- When companies are selling own products through own store they are charging high compare to Independent store. The reason being is they are providing deep knowledge about innovative products and more important is they are giving experience to customers. Apart from this company owned store are putting more efforts on marketing and advertising. Coming to the point that why they are quoting more price than Independent store the reason is there are few conditions. First one is if the both are operating in same mall then no one is going to give discount and there are tough competition between them.
Business model of Independent store- This concepts says when an Independent retailer are selling other companies products at their own store. At this point of time If both are operating in same mall then Independent store are also charges high however when they are operating in different places then Independent store charges less then company owned store.
Conclusion- The conclusion here is when company owned store are charging high they are providing more knowledge about product, giving Brand experience and putting more marketing efforts, giving details of material used. so, they are charging high. In case of Independent store if both are operating in different places then they gives more discount than another otherwise in same places they will charge more or less equal. If both are careful about what they are doing than it is good otherwise these things can creates problem in future.


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