Toyota: A Case of Overconfident

Toyota a Japanese automobile company and world's largest automobile company in terms of sales. Now a days company is facing crisis this is due to recall of their vehicles(Toyota Prius) which has some sort of problem in brake and accelarater. Why this is a case of overconfident because when company got news about problem in few cars. They were fully confident that they can handle this problem effectively but fact is not like this. Now they are going to become victim of overconfident. According to company's philosophy "each problem provides opportunity for improvement". That's what company is facing problem. According to analysts the main reason for this recall is higher growing rate and other factors as well. so, being a company who believe in Just-in-time facilities how they are facing this types of problems. Now when Toyota started repairing millions of defected car they were not able to handle it. The very first and recent reason is Arrogance which the company have. so, they wants to handle all problems by himself and simultaneously all production facilities are also running. The time is for first control this problem otherwise it will create very difficulties in market and bad image. So, I would say arrogance is no.1 enemy of his philosophy. There is news in the market that toyota is not able to handle that so, I will say control it as soon as possible so, you can have same image in front of consumer. Talking about from this problem what type of messege goes to other automobile company. Definitely they will pay more concentration about their quality but some company can get benefits from this in terms of more market share and profit.
Coming to end part,I will say Toyota can handle this problem very soon and can have same Brand image and reputation in front of consumers.


  1. hi! Lalit,

    Good post, I want to contact you.

    mail your E-mail id to me at

  2. They need to improve their marketing relations.


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