Rin Vs Tide: Second ad war

This year HUL is going towards Ad war campaign.In first week of march when HUL launched a tvc ad where they were directly challenging to his competitor P&G. The ad was particulary for their prestigious brand called Rin from HUL and Tide from P&G. In this ad Rin was directly challenging to his competitor Tide. After that when P&G took the help of court then HUL had to discontinued his ad this was 1st round of ad war between Rin and Tide. Again, recently HUL has launched same types of ad war which you can call 2nd ad war but in this campaign Unfortunatly Rin is not pointing out Tide. In this post I will give you overview of both war and analyse also.

1st round of War-
It is like this when last month HUL launched tvc ad where they were targeting to P&G. In that particular ad HUL was conveying to consumer that Rin is better than Tide. watch the ad-http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aQQc4YlNnkI.
Ad was like this two women was waiting at bus stop and looking for her child who will come from school. Both were coming from shopping so, there were basket in both hand one lady purchased Tide and another had Rin and both were looking to each other with jealous view. As soon as school bus came then the lady who was having Rin her child's dress was looking more whiteness then another lady's child. Suddenly one child told "Aunt chownk gaye kya".
This ad was created buzz in market and mostly people cricized and supported. HUL had to discountinued this ad due to pressure from court. I would say HUL won 1st round of ad war becasue court had also given order to P&G that you cannot say Tide is containing lemon and termeric. Intially you would have seen Tide,which says that tide is containing lemon and termeric. so, court told no any detergent contains lemon and natural things.

Interesting point-
HUL had spend 30 lac for this ad of 30 second but more then 20 seconds they spend time on promoting Tide. As I understand there is no need for such types of ad where you are spending money on promoting your competitor. Earlier same thing happened with Horlicks and Complan but Complan got opportunity cost grap the market share of Horlicks and sales also. I will not say that was the right way for advertising.

2nd round of war-
Recently HUL has launched same version of promotion scheme instead of tvc ad. In this campaign Rin is challenging that If you can prove that other detegent is better than Rin in terms of whiteness then they would give prize of 1 crore. Thanks god that In this time HUL is not pointing out any particular detegent name but version of this campaign starts where HUL had ended last campaign. HUL is using same model for this campaign.

Conclusion- In this point of time I am in dilenma about our analysis because I could criticized earlier ad but not 2nd round campaign. In this there is matter of 1 crore HUL may prove that nothing is better then Rin.


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