Big Bazaar: Could not control overcrowd

This is the story of year 2006 when "sabse sasta din" promotion scheme has been started by leader in retailing called as Big bazaar. The time Big bazaar was not able to handle unpredictable crowd of consumers, they faced many challenges to control this overcrowd of Indian consumers However at the same time they learned more from the market and got opportunity. In this post I will explain each and every point of that memorable day of Big bazaar. I must tell if you want to know more about story of Future group and Indian consumers you should read the book called"It happened in India" written by Kishore biyani and Dipayan baishya.

Concept of sabse sasta din- This concept was idea of Mr. kishore biyani owner of Future group. Question here arises is why they had chosen 26 January for this promotion scheme. Main reason was according to KB (who knowns the pulse of Indian consumer) that because at this day people used to stay at home due to holiday of Republic day. so, they thought why should not we convert this day in happy day. so, people can enjoy shopping at his store.

Challenges of this promotion scheme- When all executives were in the meeting the decision has been taken that we are going to introduce this scheme in mass market. Mostly executives were afraid and they raises following questions during meeting.
Does Indian consumer respond it?????????
Without using mathematical tools how far it would be effective??????
Does Innovative idea works???????
After clarifying all the doubts final decision took place and Head of operation told that 26 KO 26 crore should be sales target. All became agree and jumped into market. For mitigation of this risk they also had planned that this scheme would be for only one day.

Launch of Sabse sasta din- The memorable day for Big bazaar started buzzing in market and few prices of products was like this Flat TV- 5890, Mobile- 1399, Designer sofas- 15999 and many more. Coming to point the day when Big bazaar's family heart bit was running very fast due to uncertainty about Indian consumers. In morning at 7.30 a.m KB received called from Head of operation that people were waiting outside the stores since morning and there is uncontrollable crowd. Same time they start getting calls from different parts of country( Mumbai, Bangalore, Kolkata). KB has ordered that please call police and control over crowd. Within couples of hours sales of day has been closed and they were not able to deliver more goods to consumers waiting outside the store. They announced that sales has been extended for next day.
Scene of kormangala store in Bangalore- Store manager called police and told them I want to close store so please help me out. Having said that they failed to closed the store however they closed store in afternoon.

Scene of lower parel store in Mumbai- You cannot imagine what would have happened at store it is like this. Customer who were waiting outside the store start giving bribes to security guard and saying please permit me to enter into store. The incident which happened in any other prestigious place that thing also took place here. When a smart consumer told to security guard that Please permit me to enter into store because I have to go toilet as soon a guard permit him people were start pointing out that this is the smart way to enter in to store then security guard had to say outside of toilet there is also long queue.

Scene of kandivili store in Mumbai- It happened at place where a offer was going on called"Buy one Get one". Scene is like this people were start pushing to each other for purchasing Basmati rice. One of the sales person got injured during this"Dhhaka Mukki". so, store manager called ambulance for taking him Hospital. Crowd was totally uncontrollable. Even police could not crowd.

Result of this Memorable day- Astounding result of this scheme cleared the mind of executives who had feared of getting response from Indian consumers and they got confidence. The sales of that day was 30 crores.
Conversion of Sabse sasta din into Sabse sasat tin din- Same day in afternoon emergency meeting were called and they decide to extend this scheme for two days more so, people who was waiting still outside the store can get benefits of this scheme. So, they decided this scheme would be for three days. Same day when few important executives reached store they found there was crowd of news channels who was eager to take a shot of store and next day Big bazaar became the news headlines.
Conclusion- Conclusion is like this they decided to whenever this scheme will start. We will provide water and refreshment to consumer who will wait outside. Big bazaar also decided to call some expert from temples so, we can handle the over crowd.


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