Zain deal: Bharti Airtel or Bsnl

Zain Mobile communication, Kuwait based mobile operator has been acquired(Not entire only African based assets) by India's no.1 mobile operator Sunil mittal led Bharti Airtel on last week march 2010. The deal has been finalized,total amout is $10.7 billions. Sunil mittal acquired this company in very sophisticated manner within one and half month. Talking about Zain,which has present in 23 countries(Africa 15 and rest are in Middles east). After acquiring this company Bharti became the world's fifth largest mobile operator. Now, Bharti has customer database of 179 millions with presence in 18 countries( India, Sri Lanka Bangladesh and Africa's 15 countries). Bharti has opportunity for operating in this emerging market with its same brand name called"Airtel". Talking about Zain it had customer database of 42 millions and presence in 15 countries of Africa and 8 countries of Middle east. Bharti is going to pay $8.3 billion and remaining amount they will take from banks(standard charted, SBI and Barclays) than pay.

Talking about what are the challenges which Bharti can face-
The very first one is Bharti is going to take debt from banks and analysts say the interest rate is high. so, we have to see reaction of his shareholders. This will effect happiness of shareholders.
Second reason is also similar to that, state-owned BSNL and MTNL also wanted to acquired this company but they were not willing to pay more than $10 billions. In this point analysts has also some sort of confusion that "why BSNL cannot acquired this company" Does $0.7 billions differ or something else.
Third challenges could be that Zain is operating in 15 countries of Africa and 7 of them are making loss however in 10 countries they are market leader. let's see how Bharti can grow in that particular countries.

My analysis says, Bharti is fully confident about entering in this market. After some year of operation in this countries they can acquire MTN. As I know this could be Bharti's long term aim.
As fas as analyst's view are concern some where I am not agree with this point because they says, If BSNL cannot acquire then why Bharti did this. There is differences of deal amount. My view is that's what BSNL is running behind the Bharti. Being a competitor they should know about there future plan. Any company cannot success if they imposes product to customers. That's what BSNL is doing. Taking risk is a funda of Business so, you have to take risk. BSNL was only paying $0.7 billions extra why they did not do so.
Now we have to see future direction of Sunil Mittal.


  1. Nevertheless, Bharti is going to be successful in the growing market of African countries provided it follows its winning strategy that it adopted in India. An astounding network service and a good tariff rate are some of the key factors that it can count on.


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