Why not Business in: BIHAR

Initially positioning of Bihar was "CRIME" but now days it has been changed repositioning of Bihar is "MIRACLE GROWTH". The question arises here how and why it happened reason is like this thanks to Honorable chief minister of Nitish kumar who was giving speech in gandhi maidan patna that if I do not come true on my promise please hang me in this ground in front of people of Bihar. As I think really state is going to way of changing but this is miracle changing. According to recent data growth rate of Bihar is 11.03 second after Gujrat in India. why it is so because cosumption pattern is changing in state. now people do not have fear of crime this is due to tight administration of Government. According to INTERNATIONAL FINANCE COMMISSION title of "Doing business in India 2009" they has rated Bihar second position after New Delhi. why it is so because starting business in Bihar is less expensive. Coming to point of ownership of consumer durable in urban India where what is the position of Bihar. these are data---
Bihar have ownership of cooler is 4.3% which is more than Assam 0.7%, Gujrat2.2%, karnataka 0.9%, Westbengal 0.3% and many more.
Ownership of Electronic Iron is 2.9% which is more than Andhrapradesh 1.68%, Westbengal 2.01%. Ownership of car/van/jeep is 1.8% which is more than Westbengal 1.7%,
Ownership of music system is 26.3% which is more than Andhrapradesh 15.6%, Madhyaprdesh 19.5%, Maharashtra 25.8%, Uttarpradesh 24.4%,Uttarakhand 26%.
My analysis is Bihar has such types of ownership than we can say absoulutely there is opportunity for growth. according to recent data NRI is going to Invest 37000 crores in state.
In terms of PEST analysis state is favour of company. coming to point of Infrastructure of state recent government has changed this system they are building such Infrastructute which previous government cannot build in past 15 years. Eastern dedicated freight corridor linking punjab,westbengal via Bihar this will certainly help state to development. In thisyear Nitish kumar awarded by BUSINESS REFORMER AWARD. lets see how they attract business man.
some fact about availability of empolyees because Bihar produce highest number of IIM and IIT they are very interested in willing to work in own state, for example kaushlendra passed out in 2008 from IIM-A did not take placement from Institute now he is totally Involved in his business of Vegetables in Bihar. so, we welcome you in Bihar.


  1. it was really a nice article .but before putting all these data pls take a look of it. because many people will see this blog. more importantly it is nice article.


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