Smallketing: Marketing of small product

This is new concept of marketing called"Smallketing", where various companies are doing business or trying to do. let's see what is mainly this concept is focusing on marketing of small products it could be car, laptops, mobiles, garments, real estate, consumer durables, motors and many mare....
this concept can works in two ways they are following-
1. For BOP(bottom of pyramid) segments- If we talk about small cars, beverages and cold drinks, motors. let's see how it work In our country mostly consumer belongs from this segments and they are totally aspired. company which understand value of this customer can win this segments. we have many examples of this Tata nano, Tata starbus, Small coke, alcohal in small pack, chota refrigerator and FMCG products with small packaging. whatever example I have given here they all are winning or about to win in this segment. Thanks to Prof. C.K.Prahalad who bought concept "Fortune at the bottom of the pyramid". so, now mostly companies are understanding value of these customers.
2. For TOP(top of Pyramid)segments- This segment is totally reverse of previous segments where for small products customer has to pay more and most interesting thing is they are willing to pay for it. Let's analysis this point with examples small laptops,small mobiles, bluetooth headphone, real estate(home in city), specs, and more important is garments. these all products belongs to high profile customers. If you go for garments and want to purchase short shirt, half t-shirt it will cost more than longer one. same things builders are constructing small home for customer at high price. If you will purchase specs than it will also cost more than bigger one.
My analysis- India being a diversified country with different income group and want to win in Indian market you have to pay attention towards both types of segments. what could be reason for this very first changing trends second is effect of globalization and bottom of the pyramid's customers are converting into middle class. so, at the end I would say in our country both work and will work.


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