Recalling: Toyota and Maruti Suzuki

The recent recall of A-star by Maruti Suzuki to rectify defects in fuel tank, the largest recall in Indian automobile industry. now , question here arises, does this defect going to effect the brand image of company? company has recalled 1 lacs A-star cars in this march. As I understand and also there is views of marketers and auto experts say that if there is emotion attach with consumers then company can win the heart of consumers. just relate this problem with human relation. If same situation happened with anyone of our friends and there is emotional attachment than friends forgives us for my first mistakes.In the same way company is going to win the confidence of consumers. similar condition apply with consumers and brands. now same thing is happening with toyota prius model. toyota has recalled more than nine millions car worldwide. In this brand there is defects in accelerater and brake. this situation is very crucial for company because there is fully rumor in the market that how company is going to fix this problem.At the same time when automobile industry is struggling. according to news both the companies are going to settle problem very soon and company has informed its dealers and business unit that solve the problem as soon as possible. so, here is fear of BRAND REPUTATION and CONSUMER RETENTION. same thing happened with NOKIA batteries but the company has taken proactive steps to solve this problem before it arises in market. company has provided enough information via advertisement and this approach of solution worked very well.
At the end I would say this is very good policy of company in terms of favour of consumer and company as well.


  1. hie Mr. chaudhari good to see you that you are starting your blog but if you publish your thought with your self then it will be beneficial for you as well as for us also.publishing your thoughts and imagination is called blogging not just get an article from somewhere and paste it here.i think you got my message.....


    Abhishek misra


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