Qualis miracle

This was the only vehicle which tested in indian market with out dated model. qualis was mpv segment of toyota launched in India in 2000. this was old version of toyota kijang of Indonesia, toyota launched this car in India for testing of marketing because it was first product of toyota in India. toyota launched this car after doing too much research but they were confident about launching of qualis with success. As I understand there could be two reason for failing of qualis one is its outdated model where Indian consumer were aware about this global trends and another was not looking good. qualis was not able to attract individual consumer however they attract the taxi owner with its space and comfort. at that time qualis has tough competition from market leader sumo in that segment, thanks to taxi owner who made it somewhere successful. when toyota was seeing future of qualis they planned to phase out it from Indian market. But Miracle comes here because when toyota announced phase out of qualis at that time sales of qualis was at record high but due to company policies they had to do so. company earned more money from its outdated model. let's see next what will happen in Indian market. At the end I would say toyota used good marketing stratgey to market the outdated product in better way, where many fails after having good product.


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