Nielsen Study: Indian are Ready to Pay...........

The Nielsen company has recently conducted survey among 27000 respondents across 54 countries including India. the objective of research was that, Does consumers want to pay for online books, music, TV shows and games? From India about 70 percents of consumers are ready to pay for these online services if they have right to download and share within their friends and relatives. 63 percents respondents said that they will pay for online if payment system is is like this who are willing to pay- for books 50 percents, for music 47 percents, for magazines 47 percents, for TV shows 46 percents, for movies 45 percents, for games 44 percents where as there are only 38 percents consumers who is willing to pay for online newspaper.
In case of blog 70 percents respondents said they are not willing to pay for access blogs on Internet. consumers also showed that they are unwilling to pay for online radio and prodcast.
after analyzing the research company found that if content is related with professional life than consumers will pay otherwise not. In case of consumers are not willing to pay for blog which is written by fellow consumers.
I had written in my very first blog that new age of consumer are totally different from what company think. so, data is showing the truth.


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