New age of Indian Consumer

Hii, everyone from now onwards meself lalit choudhary start writting blog on various topic of marketing. today I am going to start with something new which is"new age of Indian consumer". If you will see India at global point of view or local it is very complex market along with same types of consumer but it is very interesting according to study India have60% young consumer(less than 30 years). Indian consumer want good quality product at low price. Is it possible????? Of course yes, lots of company are operating in this procces. example-Big bazaar, Wal-mart etc. Intially whichever company had belief that we can easily operate in India now is not like this because if you see when Levi strauss launched in India the price of first jeans was 3000. Indian consumer did not accept it at the end he had minimize price at affordable price. then see now growth rate of this company. new age of consumer is totaly related with social networking sites from where they take all infiramtion and suggestions. new age of consumer has choice of unlimited brand so, any point of time he/she can switch. being marketer you need to now pulse of your consumers. pay fully attention towards your competitor that'what in the war of ad between Rin and P&g due to past information which Hul had they won first ad war.
At the end I would say pay 360 degree towards market. Nevet assume anything any company play game of huge profit in India but it won't be too easy.

looking forward to your favourable response and critical comment


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