Know how: Walmart low price strategy

Walmart world's largest U.S based retailer is providing lowest price product either it is fmcg or any others. the very first reason is amazing supply chain management,tough negotiator and highest spending on Information technology. Details are followings-
1. Tough negotiator- when they purchase any materials from vendors they make sure that no one sell cheaper and better than this,only than they finalize deal. there negotiator is master in negotiation with vendors or manufacturers.
2. Bulk purchasing- very second reason is they purchase in Bulk because they believe in high volume with low margin. let's see how they purchase items If a manufacturer produce product which cost of production(exclude sales&marketing) is 10 lac in one year and company spend 5 lac for sales&marketing, then walmart will say please give this product to me @12 lac direct from manufacturer plant. so, there is no harm for company or walmart because company is getting direct profit of 3 lac and walmart is getting much lower then market price. this is called win-win situation.
3. Large volume with low margin- Walmart believe in this concept that's what India's retail magnate told, "walmart sales is equal to India's total consumption".
4. Inventory management- Walmart has RFID(radio frequency identification) technology by using this device company can track record of Inventory label time to time. If any product get sold from any store this device can inform all store and distribution centre about this sales within seconds. company has such a amazing information technology so, they are manging it.
5. Transportation management- Walmart has own distribution channels with more than 4000 trucks. they make sure that delivery of product is happening within two days from distribution channel to stores. they hire such truck drivers who has driven more than 300000 lac kilometers without any major violence.
6. Supply chain-
B. In terms of others products- MANUFACTURER TO STORE( this is called Cross docking distribution).
whatever I say is very less about walmart in every thing they are master is everything.


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