King of Internet: Facebook overtook Google

There is clear indication is according to Hit wise intelligence that last 13th march Facebook took over No. 1 website Google. According to report last week Facebook surpasses Google by over 0.4% market share is US market. Data says last week US market share of Facebook was 7.07% where as Google was 7.03%. Facebook is growing aggressively in networking sites. there are also some news about that Buzz is going to eat market share of Orkut. now this news is going to revise the advertisement policy of many companies because now mostly company will advertise on Facebook. Data says people are now spending mostly time of Facebook rather than Google.
Dear readers,
sorry for inconvenient nows day my final exam is on head. so, I am totally busy for three days. As soon as exam will over again I will continue with you along with your MARKETING FACT.


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