Dear readers, Very soon I will write about marketing strategy of Ford FIGO (small car) for Indian market. please wait, two days more....................
The national capital is set to get a state-of-the-art convention centre on the lines of the ones in Shanghai, Hong Kong and Singapore for hosting exhibitions, trade fairs and summits of international standards. To be constructed in Dwarka’s Sector 25, three kilometers from the IGI airport in south-west Delhi, the two-phased project was approved by the Union cabinet in November while the contracts were awarded last week. Architects working on the project, billed as one of the biggest in Asia, said it is conceived as a smart, zero energy, world-class facility designed for an events like G-20 summit. The exhibition-cum-convention centre in Dwarka and its allied infrastructure which includes, an arena, primary structure, Delhi Metro, road connectivity, hotels and office spaces, is being constructed at an estimated cost of ₹25,703 crore. It will be completed by 2025, a statement of Union ministry of commerce and industry informing about the Cabinet decision said.
Hypercity is one of the retail chain of K Raheja group. K Raheja group has diverse range of businesses comprises Real estate, Hospitality, Retail chain. this group has retail like Shoppers shop, Crossword and others. It has been established in 2006. this store will give International touch to Indian consumers because area of store is 1,50,000 sq. feet. Shoppers stop entered furnishing business through Home stop and retailing through Hypercity. this concept of retail format of Hypercity is designed by UK's leading retailer Argos. On 25 march when they opened in Bangalore I visited store along with my friends. According to our observation layout is very big so, confidently I can say they will give International experience of shopping. According to our observation being a retailer in India it is very big and consumers will face difficulties,when they will go for Impulse purchase and any other small items. Till now they are seven (Mumbai-2, Thane-1, Jaipur-1,Amritsar-1, Hyderabad-1 Ban...
DHL is a global leader in world market having 43% market share. The name DHL derived from its founder name which is Adrian Dalsey, Larry Hillblom and Robert Lynn. This company has been established in 1969 and its Headquarter is in Germany. DHL operates in more than 220 countries with providing end to end solution of logistic. DHL business is in four segment first one is Air express, supply chain, freight forwarding and Blue dart express due to this capacity they are leader in world market. DHL main competitors are FedEx, USP and others. A far as DHL strategy is concern they are looking at their business from ground to top. Some of their strategy is following- 1. Provide solution of problem- Their business strategy says If you are doing business than you need to understand that why I am in this business. Once you understood the problem than provide solutions of that problem for doing great business for long run. 2. About your competitor- According to this point they says that first you ...
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